Planting 101: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Plant with BudPots

Welcome to the world of planting with BudPots! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, this comprehensive guide will take you through the steps of how to plant with our ultimate fabric pots for home-grown craft hemp. From choosing the right pot size to properly defoliating your plants, we cover everything you need to know to ensure successful growth.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • Choosing the Right Pot Size: Understanding the importance of selecting the proper pot size for your hemp plants to ensure optimal growth and root health.
  • Planting and Care Tips: Detailed steps on how to plant your seeds, including soil selection, watering techniques, and the significance of defoliation for plant health.
  • Benefits: Highlighting the advantages of using fabric pots for craft hemp cultivation, such as improved aeration, drainage, and preventing root circling for healthier plants.

Choosing the Right Pot Size

The first step in planting with BudPots is choosing the right pot size for your plants. Our fabric pots come in various sizes, ranging from 1 gallon to 30 gallons. When deciding on the right size, it’s important to consider the size of your plants and how much space they will need to grow. A general rule of thumb is to have 3-5 gallons per plant, but this can vary depending on the strain and growing conditions.

Once you have selected the appropriate pot size, it’s time to prep.

Preparing Your BudPot

Before planting, it’s essential to prepare your them properly. Start by placing a saucer or tray under the pot to catch any excess water that may drain out. Then, fill the bottom of the pot with a layer of high-quality potting soil about 1-2 inches thick. This will provide your plants with a good base for healthy root growth.

Next, add some perlite or other drainage material to the potting soil to improve aeration and prevent water from pooling at the bottom of the pot. Finally, fill the remaining space with your potting mix, leaving about 1-2 inches of space at the top.

Planting Your Seeds or Seedlings

Once they are prepared, it’s time to plant your seeds or seedlings. If planting seeds, make a small hole in the center of the potting mix and place one seed in each hole. Cover with a thin layer of soil and lightly water.

If using seedlings, gently remove them from their nursery containers and place them into the prepared BudPot. Make sure to cover the roots with soil and gently pat it down to ensure they are secure. Water thoroughly and let the plants settle in their new home.

Proper Defoliation Techniques

Defoliation, or the removal of leaves from your plants, is an essential step in proper plant care. It helps to increase air circulation and light penetration, resulting in larger and healthier buds.

To defoliate your plants properly, start by removing any yellowed or damaged leaves. Then, carefully remove any large fan leaves that are blocking light from reaching the lower parts of the plant. It’s important to be gentle when removing leaves, as they can easily tear and cause damage to the plant.

Using LST Clips for Training

LST (low-stress training) is a technique used to manipulate the shape and direction of your plants to help them grow more efficiently. It involves gently bending the main stem of the plant and securing it in place with LST clips.

To use LST clips, start by carefully bending the main stem down and away from the center of the plant. Then, secure it in place with a clip, making sure not to damage or break the stem. This technique allows for more even light distribution and can help increase yields.

Watering and Nutrient Requirements

Proper watering and nutrient management are crucial for successful plant growth. With BudPots, it’s important to monitor the moisture levels of the soil regularly, as fabric pots tend to dry out faster than traditional pots.

Water your plants thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. This will ensure that the entire root system is receiving water and nutrients. As for nutrient requirements, it’s best to follow a feeding schedule recommended by your preferred nutrient brand.

Additional Tips

Make sure to keep your plants in a well-ventilated area, as proper air circulation is crucial for healthy growth.

  • When transplanting into larger pots, be sure to gently tease apart the roots before placing them in the new pot. This will encourage healthy root growth and prevent root-bound plants.
  • Consider using organic nutrients for a more natural and environmentally friendly approach to plant care.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques, such as topping or pruning, to find what works best for your plants.
  • Adjust your lighting setup as your plants grow. Ensure that your plants receive an appropriate amount of light without being overexposed, which can lead to leaf burn.
  • Maintain the right temperature and humidity. The right temperature and humidity levels are crucial for the healthy growth of your plants. Remember that these levels may need to be adjusted depending on the plant’s life stage.
  • Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Early detection and treatment can save your entire crop from loss.
  • Be Patient. Good things come to those who wait. Plant growth is a process that requires patience. Don’t rush things; let nature take its course.
  • Enjoy the process. Gardening should be a relaxing and enjoyable activity. Take time to enjoy the process, learn from any mistakes, and celebrate your successes.


Congratulations, you are now equipped with the knowledge to plant with BudPots successfully! From choosing the right pot size to properly defoliating and using LST techniques, this comprehensive guide has covered all the essential steps for successful growth. Remember to always monitor your plants and adjust care as needed, and enjoy the benefits of using our ultimate fabric pots for home-grown craft hemp.

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